Alzheimer's Disease

Living with Alzheimer's disease?

Alzheimer's disease is a neurological disorder in which the death of brain cells causes memory loss and cognitive decline. It is the most common type of dementia. The risk of developing Alzheimer's disease increases with age and elderly people, especially women above 65 years are at higher risk. The progress of Alzheimer's is slow and symptomless. The early signs and common symptoms of Alzheimer's disease include difficulty in remembering words, persons or recent events, problem with performing familiar tasks, difficulty in writing or speaking, loss of orientation to time and place, losing or misplacing items and frequent mood or behaviour changes.
Medication and occupational therapy with art, music, pet therapies, mild exercises like yoga and other kinds of recreational activities help in the management of Alzheimer's disease. As a caregiver, rearrange your home to reduce hurdles for the patient's movement. Installing grab rails at corners of the house and bathroom will support the patient during movement. Accidental slips and falls are common among patients due to confusion in advanced stages of the disease. Anti-slip floor solution and tapes can be helpful to prevent them. Sharp objects should be kept out of the patient's reach. Appliances and power tools should be kept unplugged and out of sight. Assistive products for Alzheimer’s disease can ensure safety of the patient and help in relief for full-term caregivers. Browse products specially curated for helping your loved one live a better life with Alzheimer's disease.

Zindagi Mail